Laid Off or Moving On?


Mass layoffs continue, and millions of us feel lost at sea when we lose our jobs or want to change careers.

Whether losing your job by layoff or by choice, my story offers solace, insights, and actions to navigate an experience that can be traumatic, turbulent, and triumphant.

Dispelling Myths of the “Hidden Job Market”

  • How can you lose your job and find work you love?
  • Network less. Job hunt online more.

Having landed all of my positions by applying for advertised jobs, I crush pervasive myths about the “hidden job market” and networking. After 20 years in one company, I conducted four search strategies, discovered work I was meant to do, helped clients gain confidence and find new jobs, and landed in an amazing job of my own.

Conventional wisdom that 80% of jobs are never advertised is long overdue for extinction. At least 40% of new hires are found through online channels, and this is growing exponentially. Professionals who don’t use online job boards, social media, and company career sites to generate interviews and offers are missing primary pathways to land their next jobs.

Job seekers get results with my divergent Sweet Spot Job Search Method and tips on 25 Activities that are more and less effective for self-discovery, job hunting, networking, and finding work you love.

If you are:

  • Unemployed after losing a job you wanted to keep
  • Considering a career change to find work you are meant to do
  • A Hard-to-Define Professional who doesn’t fit into a clear vocation

My memoir and guide gives you:

  • Comfort, courage, and confidence during a stressful transition
  • Inspiration and methods to reinvent your career
  • Proven ways to land a job in your sweet spot

“Losing Your Job & Finding Yourself is a rare gift for professionals who want to figure out what’s next in their careers. When job loss and turbulence come with feeling like there’s nowhere to go, Nancy’s honest and insightful memoir is a beacon for possibility, and a roadmap for how to get to that job that means so much.”                               

Dr. Paulette Gabriel, President of Key Leadership

Kindle and Paperback Editions Available on Amazon

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